
Automatically empty the Trash folder (recycle bin)

To automatically delete messages stored in the .Trash directory (messages that you marked for deletion from your WebMail that are stored in this folder specifically, similar to an Operating System recycle bin); located within each of your email addresses.

You must implement a scheduled task (cron) as follows:

1) Access the scheduled tasks tool in your cPanel control panel

2) Add the following line to run once a day during the early morning (e.g. at 4 AM).


/usr/bin/find $HOME/mail/*/*/.Trash/cur/* $HOME/mail/*/*/.Trash/new/* -type f -mtime +$VALUE -exec rm -f { } ''

NOTE: The previous line will delete messages older than a "VALUE" - example label, corresponding to an integer numerical value - that you specify, for example, 5, the number of days is defined by the value assigned to the -mtime parameter


/usr/bin/find $HOME/mail/*/*/.Trash/cur/* $HOME/mail/*/*/.Trash/new/* -type f -mtime +5 -exec rm -f {} ''

3) To Finish press "Save Crontab"

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