These are some tips on how to improve the performance of your Joomla 1.0.x website:
* Enable cache storage for Joomla. This will significantly improve the performance of your website. You can do it from the global configuration menu -> "Caché" tab;
* Disable or remove all extensions from your website that you are not using;
* Reduce the number of articles that appear on your first page;
* Optimize your database of Joomla data following the instructions in this article about "How to optimize a MySQL database";
* Check that statistics 1.0 have not been converted. .x Joomla can create a heavy load on a busy site and should not be used for anything except the smallest, low traffic sites. Statistics extensions in Joomla 1.0.x;"
* If you are using a forum extension, be sure to require your visitors to register before searching and publishing in your forum. Additionally, you must install a CAPTCHA plugin or enable the base functionality, if these are present, in order to protect your table against spam robots;
* Use the phpMyAdmin tool to check the large tables in the Joomla database. Next, you can check the extension that uses this table and download it from your website
In general, these questions are caused by old forum extensions that are attacked by spam robots. The tables that the forum's message warehouse are filled with spam and become really big. This decreases the complete performance of your website. These tables must be deleted manually using the phpMyAdmin tool. To remove a checkmark from the check box, click on the red cross icon. Confirm the changes to permanently delete the table
Important: Make sure you are deleting tables, created by extensions that you have uninstalled since the back-end of Joomla! If you delete any of the basic Joomla frameworks, your website will be inaccessible!
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