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 What is the accreditation time if I pay by PagoFacil or RapiPago?

Payments made through PagoFácil or Rapi Pago for our hosting plans are credited between 24 and 48...

 How to solve error 0x800CCC0E in the Outlook email application?

The 0x800CCC0F error is due to the fact that the computer cannot connect to the server of its web...

 Hide php or html extensions with htaccess

Thanks to .htaccess we can hide our .php/.html extensions of our files within the url when...

 What is an inode and what are the inode limits in hosting plans?

What is an inode?An inode is any file or folder hosted on your hosting plan. This includes email...

 What is CloudFlare - Features and Benefits?

CloudFlare is a free system which acts as a proxy (intermediary) between website visitors and the...