WHM control panel manual


WHM (Web Host Manager) is a control panel through which each reseller client or Reseller of Atlantica Digital.com can create and manage the different web hosting accounts that it grants to its clients.

In this way, it offers the possibility of acting as a true Hosting company with the advantage that you will not have to take care of the maintenance of the servers.

You will also have the possibility of giving your clients your own ns, for example (ns1.tudominio.com). Your clients will never know of our existence and you will be able to grow without limits in the Atlantica Digital environment.

Please read this manual carefully before using the WHM panel
First step

Important: only read this if you are interested in using your own DNS. To use your own DNS you will need to have an international domain, for example: yourdomain.com. If you do not want to use your own DNS, we will still assign you an anonymous DNS to provide to your clients.

If you decide to buy your international domain with Atlantica Digital.net, we will automatically configure your DNS so that you can use them.
Enter WebHostManager (WHM)

Suppose you contract the reseller plan for your domain "yourdomain.com". To access the WHM panel, you must do so through:


If your domain is not yet operational or is not yet pointed to the server, you must replace yourdomain.com with the IP number given at the time of creating your plan (if you have any questions, consult support.reseller(at)AtlanticaDigital.net).

In all cases it will ask you for a username and password. You must use the data that we have provided you in the welcome email.

Once inside the administration panel you can create the accounts that you will offer to your clients.
Creating hosting plans

When creating an account to host a website, you must define the characteristics that the service must have, that is, X MB of space, X GB of monthly transfer, X email accounts, X databases, etc. .

To do this you have to select the "Add packages" option within the "Packages" section in the menu area. At that moment a box will appear in the center right. Within this box you will have to configure the following characteristics.

Package Name: The name you want to give this package. For example we use: Economic, Basic, Advanced, etc...

Quota: Limits the disk space allocated to the client, in MB. For example, if you do not want a client's account to exceed 500 MB, you should put 500 in the box.

Max Ftp Accounts: maximum number of FTP accounts that the client to whom you assign that package can have.

Max Email Accounts: maximum number of email mailboxes that the client to whom you assign that package will have.

Max SQL Databases: maximum number of databases that the client to whom you assign that package will have.

Max subdomains: maximum number of subdomains that the client to whom you assign that package will have.

Bandwidth limit: limits the MB of monthly transfer, (remember that as a general rule we speak in GB), for example if you want a client account to not exceed 10 GB of transfer per month, it should be put in box 10240 , (1 GB = 1024 MB)

Cpanel Theme: each client can have a private control panel with a graphical theme, use rvskin instead of x since rvskin supports many languages ​​including Spanish, in addition to showing beautiful colors and icons.

The Feature List option also appears: do not modify anything in it, leave it as it is.

You can create as many packages (or hosting plans) as types of accounts you want to offer.
Account creation

To create a new account you must click on "Create new Account" in the Account functions section on the left of the screen. By clicking on that option, a box will appear where the following fields must be filled out:

Domain: put your client's domain to be hosted, without the www, that is, domainname.com

Username: username chosen by the client, maximum 8 characters, although if you click on this box an automatic name will appear that you can leave or change.

IP address (only for neew ip-based accounts): leave it as autoassign.

Package: web hosting plan contracted by your client, if you have several plans, click on the tab and a drop-down window will be shown with all your plans.

Account Resource Limits: shows the monthly space and transfer capacity contracted to the provider. It also reports the number of accounts made and available as well as which plans they are associated with.

Now click on the "Create" button and you must wait until you see the following message on the screen: "Account Creation complete!!!" (BE PATIENT, WAIT)

Account List

You can list all your clients' accounts at once, thanks

as to the "List Accounts" option, in the Account Information section. Now you will be able to see a list with all the accounts that you have created, and you will be able to see the space assigned to each account, the space currently used, the IP of the account and what hosting plan has been contracted by the client, it also tells you what type control panel you use, where you put Cpanel theme (type of graphical interface that the client sees) and your email address.

What if I need to quickly search for information about a client? , you can search for your clients according to the following criteria:

Domain – Search through the hosted domain.

User: Search through your client's username.

Package – Search through a web hosting plan

Modify hosting plans

To carry out this operation you must click on the "Edit packages" option that is within the packages section. It is important to know that any modification will affect all clients associated with that plan.

Once this option is selected, a box will be displayed in the central part of the screen. You can modify the characteristics now, and then click on the Edit button. Once the process is finished, the following phrase will appear: Edited the package "packagename"
Upgrade / Downgrade plan

It can perfectly be upgraded or lowered to any other plan offered. To do this, you must change the web hosting plan associated with the client for another plan that already exists.

First we click on the "Upgrade/Downgrade an account" option that is within the account functions box. In the center of the screen a box will appear where you must choose your client's domain or username. Once selected, you must click the "Modify" button. Now all your hosting plans will appear and you will be informed which plan the client is assigned to. Select the new plan and click on the "Change" button. Once the process is finished, the following message will appear (it is a warning, do not be alarmed): Warning, this will not cause ip-less accounts to become ip access, or the reverse.
Give more MySQL/subdomains/etc..

Your client may need a couple more MySQL and is not interested in upgrading to a higher plan, you can perfectly provide them with more services while maintaining their current plan.

First we click on the "Modify an account" option that is within the Account functions box. In the center of the screen a box will appear where you must choose your client's domain or username. Once selected, you must click on the "Modify" button. Now you can modify the client's services by writing the number of services you want to offer them. Remember that if you want to offer unlimited features in any service, put "unlimited" in the boxes.
The client does not pay, I want to give him a warning before deleting him.

If a client does not pay you but you want to give them a notice before expelling them from the service, you can do so by clicking on the "Suspend/Unsuspend account" option in the Account Functions section. Now you will see a small box, where all the clients and associated domains appear. To temporarily suspend service to a client, you must select the client you want and then click on the "Suspend" button. If you want, you can write a reason why you are temporarily suspending customer service. To return to providing customer service you just have to do the previous steps again, but instead of clicking "Suspend" you have to click "Unsuspend".
Delete a client

If a client does not pay you or you want to expel them from your web hosting service, you can do so by clicking on the "Terminate an account" option within the Account Functions function. Now you will see a small box, where all the clients and associated domains appear. To delete a client, you must select the one you want to delete and then click on the "Terminate" button. There will be a box to check that should be left as is.

Once the process has been completed, the following message will appear: dominiodelcliente.com deleted from server
Password Loss/Change

If a customer does not remember their password you can change it without problems. Click on the "Password Modification" option found within the "Account functions" section, a box will now appear in the central part of the screen where you will see the following criteria:

domain : domain of the client for which you want to change the password.

username: username to which you want to change the password.

password: the new password you want to set. Click on the Change button and everything is done.

Transfer of consumed monthly data

To see the monthly data transfer consumed by your clients, go to the "View bandwidth usage" option found in the "Account Information" box. The information displayed is described below:

user : nom

client username

domain: domain associated with a client

megabytes: monthly transfer consumed that month in MB

Gigabytes: monthly transfer consumed that month in GB

Bandwidth limit (Meg): maximum monthly client data transfer limit in MB

Domain parking

It is used to host multiple domains in a single account, but the same content will be displayed for all of them. To provide this service to a client you have to select the "park or point a domain" option that is within "DNS functions" and a box will appear with a series of options, do:

domain to park on top of: all hosted domains appear here, the client's main domain must be selected.

domain or park: here write the new domain you want to host, which should point to your dns

Once these two steps have been completed, you must click on the Do it button.

If your client wants to have several domains in their account, the "Park or point a domain" option will not be the most correct, use "Addon domains" from the cPanel.

  • Manual, WHM
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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