
Iphone: Email, Server and Port Settings

To configure the email for our domain on our iPhone terminal with the native Mail program, we will only have to follow the following steps.

We access the Settings menu of our iPhone.
iphone configuration

We scroll down and click on Mail, contacts, calendar:
iphone configuration
There we enter to add account.
iphone configuration
Then we enter the option, others.
iphone configuration
iphone configuration

We can choose between configuring access to our email through POP3 or IMAP. It is advisable to choose the IMAP option if we are reviewing the same email on another terminal, for example our personal computer. By choosing POP3 we will download the email to our iPhone mobile phone.

Next we must fill in the following information as a presentation:

Name – The name of our email account
Address – Our email, for example [email protected]
Description – A description to distinguish this account from others.

Incoming mail server

It is the configuration for email access. The data to fill in is the following:

Host Name (Server) – replacing “” with the name of our domain.
User Name – Our complete email, for example [email protected]
Password – The password for our email.

iphone configuration

Outgoing mail server

It is the configuration for sending email. The data to fill in is the following:

Host Name (Server) – replacing “” with the name of our domain.
User Name – Our complete email, for example [email protected]
Password – The password for our email.

iphone configuration

Once the account is configured we must save the changes by pressing the "Save" button. At this point the email is already configured although we will still have to review some additional configurations.

By accessing the Mail option, called Settings, we can adjust our account settings. For it to work correctly we must uncheck the SSL access option, leaving it in the Off state, and we must also check that the Account Authentication is active by entering the password again if necessary.

The email access ports are port 993 for IMAP download, for POP3 use 995 and port 465 for sending.

iphone configuration

We can now work with email from our iPhone!

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