
For Wordpress Cache optimization

WP SUPER CACHE a brief description of this plugin.

This plugin, as you can see in the attached photo, gives you the possibility of speeding up your blog. Since it does not generate memory consumption and serverload, it is important to not migrate to virtualized or dedicated platforms.

The function of this plugin is to generate static HTML files (pages) from dynamic ones that generates the blog, the dynamic pages that are generated by the blog are stored in the hosting and thus reduce the consumption of the server where it is hosted by up to 85%.

The load reduction takes place In fact, instead of generating a dynamic page for each request/entry made to the blog, the blog displays static html.

WP cache is a plugin, to install it you must upload the files To install plugins via ftp, you must go to the "plugins" option that appears on the eldashboard (Wordpress panel office) and then click on Activate, and then it activates itself. You can configure it as it appears in the image attached to this post.

What do you need for the SUPER CACHE to work in my account?
You will have to have the rewrite mod (in . htaccess must decide "RewriteEngine On") and also permalinks. You must also have it configured so that the safe mode is OFF (this is happening in php.ini by turning safe_mode off).

Here is the plugin to install it:

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