
How to upgrade or downgrade a hosting plan?

You may enlarge or reduce (upgrade or downgrade) a plan contracted with us at any time during the validity of the plan. The procedure to do so is as follows:

- Enter your client area from:

- Click on the "Services - My services" menu. All the services contracted with us will appear.

- Click on the service you want to update. You will now see all the data for that particular service.

- Click on the "Manage Actions" bullet and then on the "Upgrade/Downgrade" link.

- There you will be able to see all the available plan options to which you can upgrade yours. Select the contract period you want for the new service and click on "Choose Product".

- You can now confirm the amount to pay and finalize the order.

It should be noted that at no time should you re-upload the content of your website, much less so. Only the capabilities of your hosting plan (disk size, transfer, etc.) will be expanded or reduced (as the case may be).

In the case of plan extensions, the system will generate an invoice for the difference between what you already paid for the period for the old plan and what you should pay for the new plan. Once this invoice has been paid, the plan change will be made.

  • Modificar plan de hosting
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