You can install Phplist on your own or use the fantastic deluxe to do it:
To install Phplist on your own you will need to follow the following steps:
To install the PHPList you must follow the following steps:
Download the phplist distribution file from the phplist website. It is recommended to use the latest stable version. If you are interested in beta-testing, you can download the corresponding beta version.
The distribution file is in *.zip or *.tar.gz format. It means that it is necessary to unpack the file. Windows users can use a program like Winzip, 7zip or Winrar for unpacking. Make sure to re-create (sub)directories.
Upload the contents of the lists directory to the htdocs web directory; or, if you prefer, some subdirectory of it.
Create the database for phplist.
You also need to have (or create) a user for the database that has enough rights so that phplist can access the database; This user needs to have all the normal rights to read, write, modify and delete records, as well as rights to create tables (which will be done by the installer); The right to be able to do drop tables (not the database) may also be needed later.
Open, with a simple text editor (such as Notepad), config.php, the phplist configuration file located in the lists/config/ directory and configure phplist correctly. This can be a laborious task. For detailed instructions, see Configure phplist.
Navigate with your web browser to the directory that contains the phplist administration module ("backend"), for example: This will begin the initialization process, including creating tables for the phplist database.
Follow the installer's instructions.
The following configurations are also required (Inside config.php)
define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_SIZE",5); // Number of emails to send at the same time
define("MAILQUEUE_BATCH_PERIOD",180); // Period between batches of emails. This is important since otherwise the emails will not appear correctly.
define("PHPMAILERHOST",''); // Mail server
$phpmailer_smtpuser = '[email protected]';
$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'password';
# If you want to use the PHPMailer class from, set the following
# to 1. If you tend to send out html emails, it is recommended to do so.
# if you want to use smtp authentication when sending the email uncomment the following
# two lines and set the username and password to be the correct ones
$phpmailer_smtpuser = '[email protected]'; // Make sure to remove the "#" character at the beginning of this line
$phpmailer_smtppassword = 'yourpassword'; // Make sure to remove the "#" character at the beginning of this line
In this way, it will prevent messages from going through the general server, blocking their sending.
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Source: Guide taken from PHPList Website