
I need to send Mail to a distribution list. How do I do it?

Sending mail to distribution lists is NOT prohibited, but it is "LEGISLATED".

In order for you to send bulk mail, you have to:

1. You must have authorization from the recipients to send them mail.

2. The email sent must contain the option for the recipient to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

2. You must be sure that the emails exist. There are tools on the Internet that allow you to verify the existence of emails in bulk (they should never be run from your hosting service, but from your computer). Non-existent emails should be removed from the distribution list. Our experience shows that 40% of emails are sent to addresses that do not even exist.

3. The shipment must be made through programs intended for this purpose. An example is the program MAILMAN, PHPLIST, etc.

4. Mailman (or the program used) can be configured to send, for example, a maximum of 1 email per 10 seconds. This sets the maximum sending limit per day at 8640 emails. (Example values. The final values ​​will depend on the limits established by each hosting plan in particular).

5. Any client suspected of sending SPAM will be suspended without prior notice as indicated in our Legal Standards.

6. It is everyone's responsibility to maintain a spam-free "cyberspace." IF YOU DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION FROM EACH OF YOUR RECIPIENTS TO SEND YOU MAIL, DO NOT DO IT. SPAM IS A CRIME. In addition to risking the closure of your website, there are also financial fines for anyone who spams.

The objective of Atlantica Digital is for our clients to enjoy quality service while we maintain our prices among the lowest on the market. Adhering to these basic rules for sending mass emails will help us maintain and improve if possible the service that all our clients deserve, and will allow us to act quickly on clients who sign up for their account with the sole purpose of sending SPAM.

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