Subdomains are extensions that we can use with our domain, for example, suppose that our domain is "" and there we host what the public can see from our site, now suppose that we have a web application to manage our site and for it we create a subdomain "" and host it there. Administrators will then enter that URL to access the administration. Another case of the usefulness of Sub Domains is when a site has different registered users and each one is given the possibility of having their own subdomain so that their visitors can enter their site. EX. the domain is and the subdomains are, and so on.
Technically, when creating a SubDomain with, it will be created automatically a folder with the name of the SubDomain, within the "public_html" folder.
We will host the pages corresponding to the SubDomain there. This folder has its own CGI-BIN directory, however it is not possible to create email accounts with subdomains, nor is there the possibility for each SubDomain to have its own Control Panel.
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